Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Top Ten Things I Am Doing At This Exact Moment (TTTTIADATEM)

I am virtually karate-chopping your neck.
I am paying top dollar for Yani cassets.
I am scratching a stranger's foot with a half-eaten Snickers bar I found under my bus seat.
I am submerging my face and pinky fingers in emulsifier.
I am listening to the sound of one hand clapping.
I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10.
I am staring off into space, wondering if she had changed it all, if her hair was still red.
I am channeling the spirit of Millard Fillmore, who was, in my humble opinion, one the 50 best Presidents this country has ever had. Ever.

I am laughing. At you! HAHAHAHAHA. You smell.


Anonymous said...

You get a cool point for the Dylan reference.

Dill Weed said...

Thank you Stephanie. You are indeed a bright person with a rich, musical heritage.

I am currently searching for someone to fill the role of President with the Blog That Makes No Sense Fan Club (TBTMNSFC). For being so perceptive and brilliant, I would to extend the offer to you.

Please respond if you are interested in the position. It will be rewarding, fulfilling and help make you whole.

I am anxiously awaiting your response.

Your friend,

Dill Weed.